Thursday, 11 December 2008

The Growth of Aikido in Indonesia

Exciting!! to see the growth of Aikido In Indonesia.
Many Dojos of Aikido spreading everywhere. In Bandung, maybe there is Dojo of Aikido at each Kecamatan, in Jakarta we can find more...

The more exciting is the varies of Aikido style which available in Indonesia. Not only One style anymore. There are YIA-Aikikai Style (with some style too), Yoshinkan Style (Shudokan Aikido), and Nishio Style.
It is exciting to see this varies of style of Aikido, I hope all Aikido practitioners have more open minded.
Recent 2 months at least two Shihans came and gave seminars and workshops. At middle of November there was Yoshinobu Takeda Shihan and at 4 December there was Hiroaki Kobayashi Shihan..
Very exciting, compared to 90's, it could be only once a year the shihan visited, and that could happened if there was a Grading-Test for Black belts.
Maybe it because Aikido in Indonesia not Centralized anymore?? So, each Dojo can invite Shihan as long they can do that. If that was happened, Thank God, The differences should not be problems in Aikido Indonesia..
It shall be the benefit to the developments and growth of Aikido In Indonesia. Not to mock each other or blaming each other or even always seek the mistakes of sensei or dojo which asummed 'different' in Aikido Style.
Well, let us support each other in the shake of Aikido Progress and Growth.
Thanks to all of Aikidoka in Indonesia and the world!!

Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD!
O Allah, i have told it, then be my Witness!

Hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,

Sceptic Aikido Bandung Indonesia
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