Saturday, 22 November 2008

ANNOUNCEMENT, Hiroaki Kobayashi Shihan...

Dear brothers and sister....
I got this from neighbor forum....

Ada titipan dari teman2 di Budokan Aikido Indonesia, bakal ngadain Seminar Hiroaki Kobayashi Shihan (6th Dan Aikikai) 4 Desember 2008 jam 16.00 sampai selesai di Aula PDAM Bandung Jl. Badak Singa Bandung.

Tiket Rp. 150.000,00 Pendaftaran sampai tgl 2 Desember 2008 di Gedung BTTC belakang Setiabudhi Swalayan (Institut Aikido Indonesia-Japan; Atsushi Yamada Sensei (My Sensei!) :), Jl. Setiabudhi Bandung (pas pertigaan Jl. Setiabudhi-Jl. Cipaganti-Jl. Cihampelas)

I hope members of Unisba Aikido Club can come to this event together, all in cars together...
Don't forget to get insurance, car insurance (automobile insurance) just in case.... :)

Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD!
O Allah, i have told it, then be my Witness!

Hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,

sceptic aikido bandung indonesia
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  1. how are you uncle?

  2. Fine, boss...
    Have you read my email??
    and why your hp was difficult to connected??


Car Insurances

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