Thursday, 13 November 2008

Does Lord Create Evil..??

I picked this from neighbor mailing list,
Good as a way of thinking in Aikido Learning

Does Lord create Evil...?

"Does Lord create all of things? Does Evil exist? Does Lord create Evil?"

A Professor of famous university challenging his students with this question:
"Does Lord create all of things?
One of the students answered: "Yes, Lord creates all of things".
"Lord creates all of things?" once again the professor asked
"Yes Prof, all" Said the students with confident.
Then the professor said: "If Lord creates all of things, then Lord Creates evil. Because Evil is present and by our principle that our works represents who we are.
So, we can assume that Lord is Evil".

The student was speechless and can not answer the hypothesis of the professor.
The Professor feel glad and being arrogant so that he has proved again that religion is a myth.

There was another student who lift his hand and said:
" Professor, may I ask you a question?"
"Of course", the professor answered.
Then the student stand up and ask: "Professor, does cold present?"
"What kind of question is that? Of course cold is present. Don't you ever got cold?" the professor asked followed by laughs of the other students.
The Student answered: "The fact Prof, Cold does not exist. As to Physics Law, which we assumed cold is the absence of heat.Temperature -460 degree of Fahrenheit is absence of heat at all, so all of the particles became still and can not react at that temperature. We create word "cold" to describe absence of heat.

The student then ask: " Professor, is there a "dark"?"
Professor answered: " Of course there is!"

The student said: "once again you are wrong. Dark also does not exist. Dark is the condition which there is no light.
We can study Light but not dark. We can use Prism of Newton to disperse light into some of color and study the wavelength of each color. But you can not measure dark. How dark the condition of the room is measured by the measure of light-intencities.
The word of Dark is used by us to describe the absence of light.

Finally, the Students asked:"Professor, does evil present?"
Doubtful, the professor answered: "Of course, as i said before. We can see it everyday on TVs and newspapers. Many of Crimes and violences between human. Those are manifestation of Evil.

To the answer of the Professor, the student said: " Once again you are wrong, professor. Crime or Evil does not present. Evil is the Absence of God/Lord.
Just as Cold or Dark, Evil is a word used by Us to describe the absence of God. God dpes not create Evil. Evil is the result of the absence of Love of God in human hearts. Just like Cold which is occur from the absence of Heat and Dark that occur from the absence of Light".

The Professor then speechless.

The name of that Student is ALBERT EINSTEIN.

From the story above, i thought, that maybe the term of "Ki/Chi" is the term which applied or used to name something that we can describe. something with no explanation and can not be measured.
as to Dark to light and Cold to Heat above.
Ki Manifestations measured by perimeters which are not Ki-perimeters itself. If Ki is a energy, what kind of energy? it has to be identified, so the source etc. could be identified and measured.
If the perimeters which used to measure Ki are Rational-perimeters, so, can it be said that Ki is the absence of Rational??
Does t so??? If it so, what is it???

If we remember: Output = Input + Process
Then, if Ki=Input, The Output=? Process=?
If Ki=Output, then Input=? Process=?
or Ki=input=process=Output?? is it so???

Please analyze it.... and please share.... :)

Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD!
O Allah, i have told it, then be my Witness!

Hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,

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