Exciting!! to see the growth of Aikido In Indonesia.
Many Dojos of Aikido spreading everywhere. In Bandung, maybe there is Dojo of Aikido at each Kecamatan, in Jakarta we can find more...
The more exciting is the varies of Aikido style which available in Indonesia. Not only One style anymore. There are YIA-Aikikai Style (with some style too), Yoshinkan Style (Shudokan Aikido), and Nishio Style.
It is exciting to see this varies of style of Aikido, I hope all Aikido practitioners have more open minded.
Recent 2 months at least two Shihans came and gave seminars and workshops. At middle of November there was Yoshinobu Takeda Shihan and at 4 December there was Hiroaki Kobayashi Shihan..
Very exciting, compared to 90's, it could be only once a year the shihan visited, and that could happened if there was a Grading-Test for Black belts.
Maybe it because Aikido in Indonesia not Centralized anymore?? So, each Dojo can invite Shihan as long they can do that. If that was happened, Thank God, The differences should not be problems in Aikido Indonesia..
It shall be the benefit to the developments and growth of Aikido In Indonesia. Not to mock each other or blaming each other or even always seek the mistakes of sensei or dojo which asummed 'different' in Aikido Style.
Well, let us support each other in the shake of Aikido Progress and Growth.
Thanks to all of Aikidoka in Indonesia and the world!!
Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD!
O Allah, i have told it, then be my Witness!
Hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,
Sceptic Aikido Bandung Indonesia
Aikido Indonesia, Aikido Techniques, Ki In Aikido, Meditation, Used Car, Car Insurance, Automobile Insurance, Forex Trading, Online Stock Trading, Drug Rehabilitation Centers.
Thursday, 11 December 2008
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Hombu Dojo Grading system,
I got this from the info of my contact..
This is the Hombu Dojo Grading system,
To whoever will do the examination of Aikido to achieve higher Grade, i hope this could be useful.
Although it can be different to each dojo.
Click Here for Hombu Dojo Grading System
Hopefully useful,
Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD!
O Allah, i have told it, then be my Witness!
Hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,
Sceptic Aikido Bandung Indonesia
Car, Cars, Used Car, Car Insurance, Automobile Insurance, Forex Trading, Online Stock Trading, Drug Rehabilitation Centers.
This is the Hombu Dojo Grading system,
To whoever will do the examination of Aikido to achieve higher Grade, i hope this could be useful.
Although it can be different to each dojo.
Click Here for Hombu Dojo Grading System
Hopefully useful,
Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD!
O Allah, i have told it, then be my Witness!
Hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,
Sceptic Aikido Bandung Indonesia
Car, Cars, Used Car, Car Insurance, Automobile Insurance, Forex Trading, Online Stock Trading, Drug Rehabilitation Centers.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Salt and Lake
This Story was taken from a mailing list on Feb, 06, 2003 and I still Keep it.
For me, this story is impressive, very useful in Daily Life, especially in Aikido.
This concerned with 'Acceptance ability' and 'Thanks-attitude'' and some others aspect which I plan to describe some other time later.
Have a nice reading, understanding and applying... :)
Salt and Lake
Once upon a time, there was an wise old man. At one of the morning come a young man whose in many problems.
His walking so weak with a sour face. The young man seemed to be unhappy man. He told all of his problems. The wise old man listened carefully.
He took a small portion of salt and a glass of water. He put the salt in it and stirred it slowly.
"Please drink this, and tell me how its taste," said the old man.
"salty, very salty!" said the young man and spit to the side.
The Old man smiled when he heard the answer. Then he ask the young man to go with him to the lake nearby.
There, at the side of the Lake, the old man pour a handful of salt to the lake. By a piece of wood he stirred it.
" Please, take a cup of water from this lake, and drink it.."
When the young man drink the water, He asked "How its taste?"
"Fresh!" said the young man. "Do you taste the salt in that water?" Asked the old man
"No!' said the young man.
Gently, the old man put his hand on the shoulder of the young man.
"Young man, listen, The bitter of the life is just like that salt, no more no less.
The numbers of the salt i poured in it is same, but the taste of the water was completely different, and so the bitter of this life and failures depend on the place we have.
The bitter of the life will based on our feelings that we put everything in it.
All of that will depend on our hearts.
So, when you feel some bitterness and fails in your life, there is only one thing you can do.
"Make your heart very wide to accept all of it.
Wide your heart to accept every bitterness."
He continued,
" Your heart is the place, Your feeling is the place. Your soul is the place you accept all of it."
So, don't treat your heart as a glass or cup. Make your heart as a lake which can absorb every bitter thing and change it become freshness and happiness."
Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD!
O Allah, i have told it, then be my Witness!
Hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,
sceptic aikido bandung indonesia
Car, Cars, Used Car, Car Insurance, Automobile Insurance, Forex Trading, Online Stock Trading, Drug Rehabilitation Centers.
For me, this story is impressive, very useful in Daily Life, especially in Aikido.
This concerned with 'Acceptance ability' and 'Thanks-attitude'' and some others aspect which I plan to describe some other time later.
Have a nice reading, understanding and applying... :)
Salt and Lake
Once upon a time, there was an wise old man. At one of the morning come a young man whose in many problems.
His walking so weak with a sour face. The young man seemed to be unhappy man. He told all of his problems. The wise old man listened carefully.
He took a small portion of salt and a glass of water. He put the salt in it and stirred it slowly.
"Please drink this, and tell me how its taste," said the old man.
"salty, very salty!" said the young man and spit to the side.
The Old man smiled when he heard the answer. Then he ask the young man to go with him to the lake nearby.
There, at the side of the Lake, the old man pour a handful of salt to the lake. By a piece of wood he stirred it.
" Please, take a cup of water from this lake, and drink it.."
When the young man drink the water, He asked "How its taste?"
"Fresh!" said the young man. "Do you taste the salt in that water?" Asked the old man
"No!' said the young man.
Gently, the old man put his hand on the shoulder of the young man.
"Young man, listen, The bitter of the life is just like that salt, no more no less.
The numbers of the salt i poured in it is same, but the taste of the water was completely different, and so the bitter of this life and failures depend on the place we have.
The bitter of the life will based on our feelings that we put everything in it.
All of that will depend on our hearts.
So, when you feel some bitterness and fails in your life, there is only one thing you can do.
"Make your heart very wide to accept all of it.
Wide your heart to accept every bitterness."
He continued,
" Your heart is the place, Your feeling is the place. Your soul is the place you accept all of it."
So, don't treat your heart as a glass or cup. Make your heart as a lake which can absorb every bitter thing and change it become freshness and happiness."
Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD!
O Allah, i have told it, then be my Witness!
Hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,
sceptic aikido bandung indonesia
Car, Cars, Used Car, Car Insurance, Automobile Insurance, Forex Trading, Online Stock Trading, Drug Rehabilitation Centers.
Saturday, 22 November 2008
ANNOUNCEMENT, Hiroaki Kobayashi Shihan...
Dear brothers and sister....
I got this from neighbor forum....
Ada titipan dari teman2 di Budokan Aikido Indonesia, bakal ngadain Seminar Hiroaki Kobayashi Shihan (6th Dan Aikikai) 4 Desember 2008 jam 16.00 sampai selesai di Aula PDAM Bandung Jl. Badak Singa Bandung.
Tiket Rp. 150.000,00 Pendaftaran sampai tgl 2 Desember 2008 di Gedung BTTC belakang Setiabudhi Swalayan (Institut Aikido Indonesia-Japan; Atsushi Yamada Sensei (My Sensei!) :), Jl. Setiabudhi Bandung (pas pertigaan Jl. Setiabudhi-Jl. Cipaganti-Jl. Cihampelas)
I hope members of Unisba Aikido Club can come to this event together, all in cars together...
Don't forget to get insurance, car insurance (automobile insurance) just in case.... :)
Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD!
O Allah, i have told it, then be my Witness!
Hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,
sceptic aikido bandung indonesia
Car, Cars, Used Car, Car Insurance, Automobile Insurance, Forex Trading, Online Stock Trading, Drug Rehabilitation Centers.
I got this from neighbor forum....
Ada titipan dari teman2 di Budokan Aikido Indonesia, bakal ngadain Seminar Hiroaki Kobayashi Shihan (6th Dan Aikikai) 4 Desember 2008 jam 16.00 sampai selesai di Aula PDAM Bandung Jl. Badak Singa Bandung.
Tiket Rp. 150.000,00 Pendaftaran sampai tgl 2 Desember 2008 di Gedung BTTC belakang Setiabudhi Swalayan (Institut Aikido Indonesia-Japan; Atsushi Yamada Sensei (My Sensei!) :), Jl. Setiabudhi Bandung (pas pertigaan Jl. Setiabudhi-Jl. Cipaganti-Jl. Cihampelas)
I hope members of Unisba Aikido Club can come to this event together, all in cars together...
Don't forget to get insurance, car insurance (automobile insurance) just in case.... :)
Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD!
O Allah, i have told it, then be my Witness!
Hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,
sceptic aikido bandung indonesia
Car, Cars, Used Car, Car Insurance, Automobile Insurance, Forex Trading, Online Stock Trading, Drug Rehabilitation Centers.
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
SECRET of KI ...
In Aikido, we often hear about 'EXTEND KI' ...
And to do it we must 'KEEP ONE POINT' as The center of Ki, the sea of Chi, although i considered it as the center of gravity, the center point of human mass.
As long as i learn Aikido, there are still many questions about Ki itself.
As to the concept of Ki, the universe is full of Ki, Ki is abundant and very powerful and useful.
We live with Ki. When we drive a car, applying car insurance, riding a horse. or when we play golf at a golf course, play musics, buy property, on job, trading forex or stocks.
whoever, whatever, wherever, whenever...
What is Ki, is it just applied to whoever believe it? or to everyone?
Does Ki will be activated by meditation, chakra and kundalini practices?? is it the same thing?
or is it just mind power? is there inducing, seducing hypnosys?
I watched a video clip (here) that shown people who believed have ability in Ki manipulation.
It Looks great! amazing! people thrown or down without getting touched. like magics! or there is a secret??
However, there were sceptic persons who did not affected by the ability of Ki.
so, is it Ki or what? or Ki is equal to something that has to believed so it will work?
I still sceptical and still search the truth of Ki....
Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD!
O Allah, i have told it, then be my Witness!
Hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,
sceptic aikido unisba bandung indonesia
And to do it we must 'KEEP ONE POINT' as The center of Ki, the sea of Chi, although i considered it as the center of gravity, the center point of human mass.
As long as i learn Aikido, there are still many questions about Ki itself.
As to the concept of Ki, the universe is full of Ki, Ki is abundant and very powerful and useful.
We live with Ki. When we drive a car, applying car insurance, riding a horse. or when we play golf at a golf course, play musics, buy property, on job, trading forex or stocks.
whoever, whatever, wherever, whenever...
What is Ki, is it just applied to whoever believe it? or to everyone?
Does Ki will be activated by meditation, chakra and kundalini practices?? is it the same thing?
or is it just mind power? is there inducing, seducing hypnosys?
I watched a video clip (here) that shown people who believed have ability in Ki manipulation.
It Looks great! amazing! people thrown or down without getting touched. like magics! or there is a secret??
However, there were sceptic persons who did not affected by the ability of Ki.
so, is it Ki or what? or Ki is equal to something that has to believed so it will work?
I still sceptical and still search the truth of Ki....
Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD!
O Allah, i have told it, then be my Witness!
Hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,
sceptic aikido unisba bandung indonesia
Friday, 14 November 2008
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Does Lord Create Evil..??
I picked this from neighbor mailing list,
Good as a way of thinking in Aikido Learning
Does Lord create Evil...?
"Does Lord create all of things? Does Evil exist? Does Lord create Evil?"
A Professor of famous university challenging his students with this question:
"Does Lord create all of things?
One of the students answered: "Yes, Lord creates all of things".
"Lord creates all of things?" once again the professor asked
"Yes Prof, all" Said the students with confident.
Then the professor said: "If Lord creates all of things, then Lord Creates evil. Because Evil is present and by our principle that our works represents who we are.
So, we can assume that Lord is Evil".
The student was speechless and can not answer the hypothesis of the professor.
The Professor feel glad and being arrogant so that he has proved again that religion is a myth.
There was another student who lift his hand and said:
" Professor, may I ask you a question?"
"Of course", the professor answered.
Then the student stand up and ask: "Professor, does cold present?"
"What kind of question is that? Of course cold is present. Don't you ever got cold?" the professor asked followed by laughs of the other students.
The Student answered: "The fact Prof, Cold does not exist. As to Physics Law, which we assumed cold is the absence of heat.Temperature -460 degree of Fahrenheit is absence of heat at all, so all of the particles became still and can not react at that temperature. We create word "cold" to describe absence of heat.
The student then ask: " Professor, is there a "dark"?"
Professor answered: " Of course there is!"
The student said: "once again you are wrong. Dark also does not exist. Dark is the condition which there is no light.
We can study Light but not dark. We can use Prism of Newton to disperse light into some of color and study the wavelength of each color. But you can not measure dark. How dark the condition of the room is measured by the measure of light-intencities.
The word of Dark is used by us to describe the absence of light.
Finally, the Students asked:"Professor, does evil present?"
Doubtful, the professor answered: "Of course, as i said before. We can see it everyday on TVs and newspapers. Many of Crimes and violences between human. Those are manifestation of Evil.
To the answer of the Professor, the student said: " Once again you are wrong, professor. Crime or Evil does not present. Evil is the Absence of God/Lord.
Just as Cold or Dark, Evil is a word used by Us to describe the absence of God. God dpes not create Evil. Evil is the result of the absence of Love of God in human hearts. Just like Cold which is occur from the absence of Heat and Dark that occur from the absence of Light".
The Professor then speechless.
The name of that Student is ALBERT EINSTEIN.
From the story above, i thought, that maybe the term of "Ki/Chi" is the term which applied or used to name something that we can describe. something with no explanation and can not be measured.
as to Dark to light and Cold to Heat above.
Ki Manifestations measured by perimeters which are not Ki-perimeters itself. If Ki is a energy, what kind of energy? it has to be identified, so the source etc. could be identified and measured.
If the perimeters which used to measure Ki are Rational-perimeters, so, can it be said that Ki is the absence of Rational??
Does t so??? If it so, what is it???
If we remember: Output = Input + Process
Then, if Ki=Input, The Output=? Process=?
If Ki=Output, then Input=? Process=?
or Ki=input=process=Output?? is it so???
Please analyze it.... and please share.... :)
Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD!
O Allah, i have told it, then be my Witness!
Hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,
Good as a way of thinking in Aikido Learning
Does Lord create Evil...?
"Does Lord create all of things? Does Evil exist? Does Lord create Evil?"
A Professor of famous university challenging his students with this question:
"Does Lord create all of things?
One of the students answered: "Yes, Lord creates all of things".
"Lord creates all of things?" once again the professor asked
"Yes Prof, all" Said the students with confident.
Then the professor said: "If Lord creates all of things, then Lord Creates evil. Because Evil is present and by our principle that our works represents who we are.
So, we can assume that Lord is Evil".
The student was speechless and can not answer the hypothesis of the professor.
The Professor feel glad and being arrogant so that he has proved again that religion is a myth.
There was another student who lift his hand and said:
" Professor, may I ask you a question?"
"Of course", the professor answered.
Then the student stand up and ask: "Professor, does cold present?"
"What kind of question is that? Of course cold is present. Don't you ever got cold?" the professor asked followed by laughs of the other students.
The Student answered: "The fact Prof, Cold does not exist. As to Physics Law, which we assumed cold is the absence of heat.Temperature -460 degree of Fahrenheit is absence of heat at all, so all of the particles became still and can not react at that temperature. We create word "cold" to describe absence of heat.
The student then ask: " Professor, is there a "dark"?"
Professor answered: " Of course there is!"
The student said: "once again you are wrong. Dark also does not exist. Dark is the condition which there is no light.
We can study Light but not dark. We can use Prism of Newton to disperse light into some of color and study the wavelength of each color. But you can not measure dark. How dark the condition of the room is measured by the measure of light-intencities.
The word of Dark is used by us to describe the absence of light.
Finally, the Students asked:"Professor, does evil present?"
Doubtful, the professor answered: "Of course, as i said before. We can see it everyday on TVs and newspapers. Many of Crimes and violences between human. Those are manifestation of Evil.
To the answer of the Professor, the student said: " Once again you are wrong, professor. Crime or Evil does not present. Evil is the Absence of God/Lord.
Just as Cold or Dark, Evil is a word used by Us to describe the absence of God. God dpes not create Evil. Evil is the result of the absence of Love of God in human hearts. Just like Cold which is occur from the absence of Heat and Dark that occur from the absence of Light".
The Professor then speechless.
The name of that Student is ALBERT EINSTEIN.
From the story above, i thought, that maybe the term of "Ki/Chi" is the term which applied or used to name something that we can describe. something with no explanation and can not be measured.
as to Dark to light and Cold to Heat above.
Ki Manifestations measured by perimeters which are not Ki-perimeters itself. If Ki is a energy, what kind of energy? it has to be identified, so the source etc. could be identified and measured.
If the perimeters which used to measure Ki are Rational-perimeters, so, can it be said that Ki is the absence of Rational??
Does t so??? If it so, what is it???
If we remember: Output = Input + Process
Then, if Ki=Input, The Output=? Process=?
If Ki=Output, then Input=? Process=?
or Ki=input=process=Output?? is it so???
Please analyze it.... and please share.... :)
Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD!
O Allah, i have told it, then be my Witness!
Hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Rational Aikido, No need to train special breathing..??
By the interesting info issued by PADI (Aikiwago), I remembered my own experience...
I agree with the descripton contained in the article.
"The Most Important is 'Niat'(Intention/will), No need special breathing...
From my own experience of Aikido practice since 1994 until now, I hear there is a lack of healthy competition between 'Aikido institutions', I hope now is not anymore...
I do not know what that actually make it happen, just feels ironic, when Aikido hints of love, and become one with the universal, but a scar that occured not reflected these principles.
Perhaps there are readers who are also experienced when there is a sensei who blame the methods or techniques of other sensei with a variety of reasons, but they can not point the right, as their techniques are not right either, not applicable (effective), how does this... ?
There also interesting, when I heard the news/rumours that many practitioners of Aikido (the funny thing is that there are Yudansha(blackbelts) degree) searched for 'Ki' in the non-Aikido institustions, train special breathing or what???
Weird, the Aikido is certainly concerning and contain 'Ki'... How does this..?
Then, according to the information, there is a practice in Aikido Dojo only as a 'theatrical'.. How this..? Martial arts only playwright? What if something happens outside the Dojo? Please do not theatrical folks...! Self pity, pity on public...
As to Atsushi Yamada Sensei, he does not mind if we, the students do the test to the effectiveness of his techniques... from the simple grip to any attacks as difficult as we can...
And He attempt to provide rational explanation.
I continue to follow its development, such as my usual practice to the many junior(Kohai) and I 'can'... So I proud and I even feel like a crackerjack... It's shame if i remember that... :)
However, when faced with senior (Sempay) why it is often not effective? not applicable?
and the more shameful if there are new members with large and firm body, I stuck... O,Ow... I ashamed...
Then I try to discuss with the sempay also sensei and found some tricks to solve the problems, so eventually the techniques i use often contain certain tricks...
i do not satisfy with it, it's like ' self lying'. I remember what was O sensei Morihei Ueshiba said " No secret-technique in Aikido"
How much tricks can be successful? Tricks are often limited their use, may even turn into danger...
The most common trick i used is 'Thumbs attacked' (i call it so..) Where the attack shaped grip, i always attack to the direction of Uke's thumb, so the power oh Uke's grip weakened. It s quite effective, until i held by someone with Large and strong hands, and locked. I cannot move with such conditions..
Given this, I am grateful my body's condition is small and light, so those obstacles can trigger me to always improve my skill...
I am very bothered with this conditions, confused and stress. Atsushi Yamada Sensei is not there and no longer care about UAC, he was open institution in Jl. Setiabudi named Institut Aikido Indonesia-Japan. Seniors not active as tied to job. Occasionally i still communicate with Budiana (Roges). The only left is the new people that hope will having knowledges from me... God help me..!! I feel alone...
I always convey to the members of UAC in Unisba that I just 3rd Kyu, Unisba Dojo have no affiliation, and I/we do not have the right to hold the test to the increase in the level (in belts). So there is no belt ranking in UAC. (in 2008, is affiliated to Pengda Jabar and there is increased level test, alhamdulillah) ( in around 2006-2007 i was offered by my friend (Mr. Iyan) to teach Aikido at Jl. Malabar, i rejected it with the above reasons, I only 3rd kyu, The Dojo is The Public Dojo and requre trainers that competent and bonafide, Certified. The dojo now running, named SOSA MALABAR))
As i keep practicing... I did not realize taht my techniques are changed...
That's because I pray to God, beside the efforts i always done.
I do not attack the thumbs of Uke anymore. I go back to the basic concept. Niat(Intention/will), Sensing, Blending and Leading. Always keep Normal Breathing, no need special breathing...
Since 2000, i began developing my skills and teach all that i know to anyone who would like to learn. And try not to act with any pretext.. If I can't, just admit. I can not...
The funny is other 'institutions' still judge my techniques as wrong, i don't care....
I still remember around 2001, my student Ahmad Fananny, tell his friends about my ablity, there is his friend didn't believe his story and want to test. So he came to Unisba, my surprise! his posture is BIG and Firm, large his name is Ibnu.
Hmmmm, The thime to test my ability and find the truth...
Alhamdulillah, i showed how successful escape from the various attacks that he do (generally grabbing, Tori-tori or to hug from behind). Too bad it was not documented..
According to the news the next day, Ibnu was hard to wake up from bed.... he was exhausted.... hhihihihi...
Just Relax, Align intention, clean hearat and concictent.... and ACTION!
To Increas my confident, I asked Agus Hermawan (now at Cirebon) although Kohai I often powerless if he held me, I test my techniques, especially 'Morotedori Kokyu nage, ushiro" and... "It works..!!" How glad i am...
Then I try with other big one named Rommy, and Sempai Budiana, and "It Really works..!!"
I only tell my experience, sharing, not for other things and thinking...
Let my status remain 3rd Kyu, Knowledges still can be achieved from whatever kyu...
Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD!
O Allah, i have told it, then be my Witness!
Hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,
I agree with the descripton contained in the article.
"The Most Important is 'Niat'(Intention/will), No need special breathing...
From my own experience of Aikido practice since 1994 until now, I hear there is a lack of healthy competition between 'Aikido institutions', I hope now is not anymore...
I do not know what that actually make it happen, just feels ironic, when Aikido hints of love, and become one with the universal, but a scar that occured not reflected these principles.
Perhaps there are readers who are also experienced when there is a sensei who blame the methods or techniques of other sensei with a variety of reasons, but they can not point the right, as their techniques are not right either, not applicable (effective), how does this... ?
There also interesting, when I heard the news/rumours that many practitioners of Aikido (the funny thing is that there are Yudansha(blackbelts) degree) searched for 'Ki' in the non-Aikido institustions, train special breathing or what???
Weird, the Aikido is certainly concerning and contain 'Ki'... How does this..?
Then, according to the information, there is a practice in Aikido Dojo only as a 'theatrical'.. How this..? Martial arts only playwright? What if something happens outside the Dojo? Please do not theatrical folks...! Self pity, pity on public...
As to Atsushi Yamada Sensei, he does not mind if we, the students do the test to the effectiveness of his techniques... from the simple grip to any attacks as difficult as we can...
And He attempt to provide rational explanation.
I continue to follow its development, such as my usual practice to the many junior(Kohai) and I 'can'... So I proud and I even feel like a crackerjack... It's shame if i remember that... :)
However, when faced with senior (Sempay) why it is often not effective? not applicable?
and the more shameful if there are new members with large and firm body, I stuck... O,Ow... I ashamed...
Then I try to discuss with the sempay also sensei and found some tricks to solve the problems, so eventually the techniques i use often contain certain tricks...
i do not satisfy with it, it's like ' self lying'. I remember what was O sensei Morihei Ueshiba said " No secret-technique in Aikido"
How much tricks can be successful? Tricks are often limited their use, may even turn into danger...
The most common trick i used is 'Thumbs attacked' (i call it so..) Where the attack shaped grip, i always attack to the direction of Uke's thumb, so the power oh Uke's grip weakened. It s quite effective, until i held by someone with Large and strong hands, and locked. I cannot move with such conditions..
Given this, I am grateful my body's condition is small and light, so those obstacles can trigger me to always improve my skill...
I am very bothered with this conditions, confused and stress. Atsushi Yamada Sensei is not there and no longer care about UAC, he was open institution in Jl. Setiabudi named Institut Aikido Indonesia-Japan. Seniors not active as tied to job. Occasionally i still communicate with Budiana (Roges). The only left is the new people that hope will having knowledges from me... God help me..!! I feel alone...
I always convey to the members of UAC in Unisba that I just 3rd Kyu, Unisba Dojo have no affiliation, and I/we do not have the right to hold the test to the increase in the level (in belts). So there is no belt ranking in UAC. (in 2008, is affiliated to Pengda Jabar and there is increased level test, alhamdulillah) ( in around 2006-2007 i was offered by my friend (Mr. Iyan) to teach Aikido at Jl. Malabar, i rejected it with the above reasons, I only 3rd kyu, The Dojo is The Public Dojo and requre trainers that competent and bonafide, Certified. The dojo now running, named SOSA MALABAR))
As i keep practicing... I did not realize taht my techniques are changed...
That's because I pray to God, beside the efforts i always done.
I do not attack the thumbs of Uke anymore. I go back to the basic concept. Niat(Intention/will), Sensing, Blending and Leading. Always keep Normal Breathing, no need special breathing...
Since 2000, i began developing my skills and teach all that i know to anyone who would like to learn. And try not to act with any pretext.. If I can't, just admit. I can not...
The funny is other 'institutions' still judge my techniques as wrong, i don't care....
I still remember around 2001, my student Ahmad Fananny, tell his friends about my ablity, there is his friend didn't believe his story and want to test. So he came to Unisba, my surprise! his posture is BIG and Firm, large his name is Ibnu.
Hmmmm, The thime to test my ability and find the truth...
Alhamdulillah, i showed how successful escape from the various attacks that he do (generally grabbing, Tori-tori or to hug from behind). Too bad it was not documented..
According to the news the next day, Ibnu was hard to wake up from bed.... he was exhausted.... hhihihihi...
Just Relax, Align intention, clean hearat and concictent.... and ACTION!
To Increas my confident, I asked Agus Hermawan (now at Cirebon) although Kohai I often powerless if he held me, I test my techniques, especially 'Morotedori Kokyu nage, ushiro" and... "It works..!!" How glad i am...
Then I try with other big one named Rommy, and Sempai Budiana, and "It Really works..!!"
I only tell my experience, sharing, not for other things and thinking...
Let my status remain 3rd Kyu, Knowledges still can be achieved from whatever kyu...
Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD!
O Allah, i have told it, then be my Witness!
Hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,
Relations of Unisba Dojo and Unpas Dojo
After Atsushi Yamada Sensei left the dojo in 1997, which also had sworn that without the presence of himself UAC will disperse... Sorry Sensei, we do not think so...
We, the seniors of Unisba Aikido Club (UAC), which also included as the founder of the UAC strive to maintain the presence if UAC.
We still do regular exercise every Monday and Thursday 19.00-21.00 WIB hours.
At that time, the instructor in the dojo was Didih Van Damme (similar to Van Damme). and I was his Uke. There is also Agus Hermawan and Budiana (Roges) and Anwar (Jack) Nasirin and Asep Supendi (Kampak).
Then, someone who known later as Rommy registered to participate in practice, he came from Unpas Jl. Tamansari. Then followed by his friends, Bayu, Hendra, Kiki Badru (4 horsemen? :)) Next, Ohim and Eka followed.
After some periods of training, about 3 months, we agreed to open a dojo in Unpas Jl. Tamansari, and successfully grows its member.
Opening Dojo in Unpas not without problems, the main problem is the place to practice, we finally succeeded in getting a place at the "Corridor of Mosque of Unpas Jl. Tamansari".
Unpas Dojo is very helpful, especially for me privately, because i concerned with the development of the dojo in Unisba Dojo that time can be very quiet once. The practice members only up to 4 people including me, and Didih. There are worries that Unisba Dojo (UAC) will be abandoned and dismissed. Alhamdulillah, it didn't hahppen.
With pomp hearts of the members of Unpas Dojo, even though they already have a place to practice their own, they would still want to practice in Unisba, so we organized the schedule to practice 4 times in a week, at Unisba Monday and Thursday, Unpas Tuesday and Friday.
A lot of training enough with the same members....
The point is not that,but "Willingness to maintain the Presence of Unisba Aikido Club!".
The second wave dojo Unpas contribution in maintaining the existence of UAC is around 2001, Didih is not active anymore (to Ciamis) since 1998. Roges and Jack tied to their Job. The components of the KOM Unpas participate actively and motored by Agus Gaek, Edu, Tria, Lulu, Kinoy, Camay et.al. The similar case occurred, Unisba Quiet... And They (Unpas) that helped Me make the existence of UAC Remain...
For those who have sworn that without the presence of himself UAC will be dismissed, Sorry! It doesn't Happen..!!
In the year of 2007, we organized a meeting in Plaza Unpas Tamansari, and agreed to hold procurement of TATAMI. We joint venture, from Unpas that time I remember there Rommy, Kiki Badru, Hendra, Agus Gaek, Tria. From Unisba there are Dasuki, Novi. Alhamdulillah, although simple, we finally have TATAMI, 6pcs size 120cm x 240cm, 2.5cm thick.
For me, the Role of Unpas Dojo to Unisba Dojo is Like Anshor People to Muhajirin, Medinna to Mecca.
So, I hope all members of UAC will respect this facts.
Unpas and AUnisba is One Body, one Unit.
Allahumma'qod balaghtu, FASHAD!
O Allah, I have told it, then be my Withess!
Hopefully Useful,
Allahu'alam Bishshowab
We, the seniors of Unisba Aikido Club (UAC), which also included as the founder of the UAC strive to maintain the presence if UAC.
We still do regular exercise every Monday and Thursday 19.00-21.00 WIB hours.
At that time, the instructor in the dojo was Didih Van Damme (similar to Van Damme). and I was his Uke. There is also Agus Hermawan and Budiana (Roges) and Anwar (Jack) Nasirin and Asep Supendi (Kampak).
Then, someone who known later as Rommy registered to participate in practice, he came from Unpas Jl. Tamansari. Then followed by his friends, Bayu, Hendra, Kiki Badru (4 horsemen? :)) Next, Ohim and Eka followed.
After some periods of training, about 3 months, we agreed to open a dojo in Unpas Jl. Tamansari, and successfully grows its member.
Opening Dojo in Unpas not without problems, the main problem is the place to practice, we finally succeeded in getting a place at the "Corridor of Mosque of Unpas Jl. Tamansari".
Unpas Dojo is very helpful, especially for me privately, because i concerned with the development of the dojo in Unisba Dojo that time can be very quiet once. The practice members only up to 4 people including me, and Didih. There are worries that Unisba Dojo (UAC) will be abandoned and dismissed. Alhamdulillah, it didn't hahppen.
With pomp hearts of the members of Unpas Dojo, even though they already have a place to practice their own, they would still want to practice in Unisba, so we organized the schedule to practice 4 times in a week, at Unisba Monday and Thursday, Unpas Tuesday and Friday.
A lot of training enough with the same members....
The point is not that,but "Willingness to maintain the Presence of Unisba Aikido Club!".
The second wave dojo Unpas contribution in maintaining the existence of UAC is around 2001, Didih is not active anymore (to Ciamis) since 1998. Roges and Jack tied to their Job. The components of the KOM Unpas participate actively and motored by Agus Gaek, Edu, Tria, Lulu, Kinoy, Camay et.al. The similar case occurred, Unisba Quiet... And They (Unpas) that helped Me make the existence of UAC Remain...
For those who have sworn that without the presence of himself UAC will be dismissed, Sorry! It doesn't Happen..!!
In the year of 2007, we organized a meeting in Plaza Unpas Tamansari, and agreed to hold procurement of TATAMI. We joint venture, from Unpas that time I remember there Rommy, Kiki Badru, Hendra, Agus Gaek, Tria. From Unisba there are Dasuki, Novi. Alhamdulillah, although simple, we finally have TATAMI, 6pcs size 120cm x 240cm, 2.5cm thick.
For me, the Role of Unpas Dojo to Unisba Dojo is Like Anshor People to Muhajirin, Medinna to Mecca.
So, I hope all members of UAC will respect this facts.
Unpas and AUnisba is One Body, one Unit.
Allahumma'qod balaghtu, FASHAD!
O Allah, I have told it, then be my Withess!
Hopefully Useful,
Allahu'alam Bishshowab
Unisba Dojo and Unpas Dojo
I want to tell about both of dojo, the historical and emotional relationship between them. I need to do this because in this era many people do not appreciate the history and the things that contained in it.
Many people set aside the history and values contained in it, even that surprisingly, most of them are people who have formal education and 'seemed' good at behaviour and their lives. In addition,While the actors of the history still exist and live, the facts of history must be told and documented well.
For the colleagues who have information about the history and the development of the dojo, please to contribute through the comments on this blog
Hopefully, I and my colleagues not included as those who wrong...
Many people set aside the history and values contained in it, even that surprisingly, most of them are people who have formal education and 'seemed' good at behaviour and their lives. In addition,While the actors of the history still exist and live, the facts of history must be told and documented well.
For the colleagues who have information about the history and the development of the dojo, please to contribute through the comments on this blog
Hopefully, I and my colleagues not included as those who wrong...
Sunday, 9 November 2008
Unisba Aikido Club (UAC) Bandung - Indonesia, firstly pioneered in 1993 by Sensei Atsushi ' Suhaemi' Yamada (as a student majoring Dakwah in Ushulluddin Faculty) with the students which grouped in FAMU (Forum of Activist Students of Unisba).
In 1994 named Institut Aikido Indonesia, the use of the name in connection with the vision and the noble ideas of high quality and systematic Aikido training in Unisba and Indonesia, to give contribution to the growth of Aikido in Indonesia.
In 1996 name changed to Unisba Aikido Club and have the legitimation of Yayasan Indonesia Aikikai (Indonesia Aikikai Foundaton) ( at the time the board are Mr. Robert Felix and Mr. Katri Hendratmo, etc.)
Over time, and because of the problems that appear (Unisba Aikido Club maybe the only dojo which practice Aikido without the use of TATAMI, originally ceramic floor ), the tidal waves in Aikido training in UAC, and the big case which was done by Asep Haris with Financial aspect of UAC (Corrupted), so in about 1997 Atsushi Yamada resigned and later founded the Institut Aikido Indonesia-Japan, Jl. Setiabudi - Bandung.
After the resignation of Sensei Atsushi Yamada, Unisba Aikido Club still maintained by the students that he is still remaining consistent with the ideals of Unisba Aikido Club. The Senior/Sempai remaining at the time are Ir. Asep Supendi (kampak), Budiana S.H. (Roges) Anwar (Jack) Nasirin, Didih, and R. Gatot Prasetyo Sigit, S.T. There are also Herry Kebo, Herry Eka Putra and Agus Hermawan ( those who i remembered)
In the year 1997 - 2000, Unisba Aikido Club open branches in:
1. Unpas Tamansari - (Rommy,Bayu, Badru, Hendra, et al.)
2. STBA Yapari - Jl Cihampelas ( Ali et al)
3. SMUN 5 Bandung (Asep Supendi, sugih et.al)
4. Jl. Labuan (Budiana et al)
5. Cicadas - (Budiana's house)
As time passed, the sempai were also started the less active, because the main factor of work and household (in the outer city), only 1 senior who is still actively working to maintain the existence of Unisba Aikido Club, he is Me... , so that the branches that have been established not maintained. Up to now only dojo unpas and Unisba that are still active.
There is a very critical Period ( about 2000) with the members of which can be calculated with the fingers, but I call them as the DEFENDERS of Unisba Aikido Club, those I remember are Ahmad Fananny and Teddy (my respect to militancy practice in Unisba from Jatinangor), Didi and Andri (Unpas), Dasuki Planologi (now in Riau), Rommy (sukabumi) and Ilham (Jatinangor), David and Agus Hermawan (Fikom Unisba).
Then should not be overlooked is the role of Unpas Dojo in maintaining Unisba Aikido Club, this time The Defenders in Unpas are Rommy, Bayu, Kiki Badru and Hendra and Ohim (Fauzil Rohim) and Eka (Ekek) My respect for you guys...!
In 2008 UAC joined with Pengda Jabar (Gudang Utara), now the Sensei is Sensei Teguh, Chairman of the organization is Indra ( Law Faculty). There are Novi, Igun, Lisa, Rocky, Dicky, Rio, Didi (Unpas) Donny and so forth...
By The way, since the year 2007 we have simple TATAMI, the size of 120cmx240cm, there are 6pcs as a result of Unisba joint venture with the Unpas Team (Rommy, Kiki Badru, Hendra, Agus Gaek, et al)
I welcome if there are who want to add or correct the history of this..!
Many names that i did not mention because of several factors, the one is... 'forgot'... ! :)
Align the intention, hearts and worked istiqomah....
Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD..!
O Allah, i have told it, then be my witness..!
hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,
In 1994 named Institut Aikido Indonesia, the use of the name in connection with the vision and the noble ideas of high quality and systematic Aikido training in Unisba and Indonesia, to give contribution to the growth of Aikido in Indonesia.
In 1996 name changed to Unisba Aikido Club and have the legitimation of Yayasan Indonesia Aikikai (Indonesia Aikikai Foundaton) ( at the time the board are Mr. Robert Felix and Mr. Katri Hendratmo, etc.)
Over time, and because of the problems that appear (Unisba Aikido Club maybe the only dojo which practice Aikido without the use of TATAMI, originally ceramic floor ), the tidal waves in Aikido training in UAC, and the big case which was done by Asep Haris with Financial aspect of UAC (Corrupted), so in about 1997 Atsushi Yamada resigned and later founded the Institut Aikido Indonesia-Japan, Jl. Setiabudi - Bandung.
After the resignation of Sensei Atsushi Yamada, Unisba Aikido Club still maintained by the students that he is still remaining consistent with the ideals of Unisba Aikido Club. The Senior/Sempai remaining at the time are Ir. Asep Supendi (kampak), Budiana S.H. (Roges) Anwar (Jack) Nasirin, Didih, and R. Gatot Prasetyo Sigit, S.T. There are also Herry Kebo, Herry Eka Putra and Agus Hermawan ( those who i remembered)
In the year 1997 - 2000, Unisba Aikido Club open branches in:
1. Unpas Tamansari - (Rommy,Bayu, Badru, Hendra, et al.)
2. STBA Yapari - Jl Cihampelas ( Ali et al)
3. SMUN 5 Bandung (Asep Supendi, sugih et.al)
4. Jl. Labuan (Budiana et al)
5. Cicadas - (Budiana's house)
As time passed, the sempai were also started the less active, because the main factor of work and household (in the outer city), only 1 senior who is still actively working to maintain the existence of Unisba Aikido Club, he is Me... , so that the branches that have been established not maintained. Up to now only dojo unpas and Unisba that are still active.
There is a very critical Period ( about 2000) with the members of which can be calculated with the fingers, but I call them as the DEFENDERS of Unisba Aikido Club, those I remember are Ahmad Fananny and Teddy (my respect to militancy practice in Unisba from Jatinangor), Didi and Andri (Unpas), Dasuki Planologi (now in Riau), Rommy (sukabumi) and Ilham (Jatinangor), David and Agus Hermawan (Fikom Unisba).
Then should not be overlooked is the role of Unpas Dojo in maintaining Unisba Aikido Club, this time The Defenders in Unpas are Rommy, Bayu, Kiki Badru and Hendra and Ohim (Fauzil Rohim) and Eka (Ekek) My respect for you guys...!
In 2008 UAC joined with Pengda Jabar (Gudang Utara), now the Sensei is Sensei Teguh, Chairman of the organization is Indra ( Law Faculty). There are Novi, Igun, Lisa, Rocky, Dicky, Rio, Didi (Unpas) Donny and so forth...
By The way, since the year 2007 we have simple TATAMI, the size of 120cmx240cm, there are 6pcs as a result of Unisba joint venture with the Unpas Team (Rommy, Kiki Badru, Hendra, Agus Gaek, et al)
I welcome if there are who want to add or correct the history of this..!
Many names that i did not mention because of several factors, the one is... 'forgot'... ! :)
Align the intention, hearts and worked istiqomah....
Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD..!
O Allah, i have told it, then be my witness..!
hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Ki or...???
This is a Video Clip from you tube, titled The Power of Chi-Exposed.
The content is interesting...
Please analyzed, make comments and opinions...
hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,
sceptic aikido bandung indonesia ...
The content is interesting...
Please analyzed, make comments and opinions...
hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,
sceptic aikido bandung indonesia ...
Extend Ki, freely translated means 'to continue or prolong Ki'.
Before further discussion about extend Ki, we shall have a little short brief about Ki itself.
Ki, many interpret as a universal life force, the universal power of life/universe, life energy, the energy of the universe contained in the universe. Although many are sceptical about this because of it has not been proven whether it exist, the origin, matter and the transformation process if it is energy.
Thera are also interpretation that ki as the spirit or spirit of harmony and the power based on sensitivity.
So, do not worry, we all have in the vicinity of Ki and also there are abundant of Ki...
Many of the topics discussed about Ki training method, from the simple meditation and breathing exercise to tidy complex method, which is also associated with mudra, chakra and kundalini.
The simple way to exercise Ki is Ki Breathing that taught by Koichi Tohei, which we often practice it at the beginning and the end of Aikido Training.
Ki in Aikido more spiritual, which manifested by the work of mind, that's why Aikido often referred to as the art of unification of mind and body. body and mind coordination. This is based on the principle of Ki, namely" "Where mind goes, Ki follows...".
Based on the above principle, as long as we have mind we never had to worry about the occurence of Ki, If Ki really exist so it will work as long as our mind work....
If Ki exist, it will work... so, don't worry about Ki... :)
In connection with the mind, it certainly will be very closely linked with NIAT (intention, will).
I give more attention to the processsing of this NIAT (Intention, will). Since it is very, very fast compared with thinking, even light....
So, How to extend Ki??
What I understand till now is only set the intention and place it to my movement direction as far as possible and kepp the intention, when i tenkan, my intention is to tenkan very very wide...
i keep my intention, consistent, istiqomah...
There maybe people wh know the sundanese phylosophy, 'maneh arek, urang enggeus...( you will, i have finished...) or 'Mangga tipayun, abdi tiheula...'( please in front, i am first...)
Because Aikido concerning with harmonisation, so here are required sensitivity, sense. This is also a need to be trained so that we can be very sensitive to every movement and action-reaction that occurs. So, Ki can also be interpreted as 'Sense' (RASA).
Several years ago around 2002, i had discussions and sharing with a traditional sundanese martial artist that have been undertaken the level of 'Mustika Rasa'( a high grade).
We each showed several techniques that uses 'the sense' (his version) and extending Ki (mu version), so i finally take the conclusion to this is that Ki Closely related to Sense.
Perhaps 'the sense' is less in attention from many practitioner of Aikido, trapped in the glamour of the techniques, and the need to be looked spectacular, to defeat...
so the awareness sense was not trained...
Of no less importance is the Timing, this can be trained well with good sensitibity, so it seems we know what will the opponent do... seems like 'mind reader' maybe.... hehehe
So, to practice extend Ki, we can use the unbendable arm method, and also the method to train Keep one point(center) plus the zagi waza kokyu ho. Do not forget to sense the phenomenas that occur on and also in ourselves and around us...
Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD..!
O Allah , I have told it, then be my Witness..!
hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,
Before further discussion about extend Ki, we shall have a little short brief about Ki itself.
Ki, many interpret as a universal life force, the universal power of life/universe, life energy, the energy of the universe contained in the universe. Although many are sceptical about this because of it has not been proven whether it exist, the origin, matter and the transformation process if it is energy.
Thera are also interpretation that ki as the spirit or spirit of harmony and the power based on sensitivity.
So, do not worry, we all have in the vicinity of Ki and also there are abundant of Ki...
Many of the topics discussed about Ki training method, from the simple meditation and breathing exercise to tidy complex method, which is also associated with mudra, chakra and kundalini.
The simple way to exercise Ki is Ki Breathing that taught by Koichi Tohei, which we often practice it at the beginning and the end of Aikido Training.
Ki in Aikido more spiritual, which manifested by the work of mind, that's why Aikido often referred to as the art of unification of mind and body. body and mind coordination. This is based on the principle of Ki, namely" "Where mind goes, Ki follows...".
Based on the above principle, as long as we have mind we never had to worry about the occurence of Ki, If Ki really exist so it will work as long as our mind work....
If Ki exist, it will work... so, don't worry about Ki... :)
In connection with the mind, it certainly will be very closely linked with NIAT (intention, will).
I give more attention to the processsing of this NIAT (Intention, will). Since it is very, very fast compared with thinking, even light....
So, How to extend Ki??
What I understand till now is only set the intention and place it to my movement direction as far as possible and kepp the intention, when i tenkan, my intention is to tenkan very very wide...
i keep my intention, consistent, istiqomah...
There maybe people wh know the sundanese phylosophy, 'maneh arek, urang enggeus...( you will, i have finished...) or 'Mangga tipayun, abdi tiheula...'( please in front, i am first...)
Because Aikido concerning with harmonisation, so here are required sensitivity, sense. This is also a need to be trained so that we can be very sensitive to every movement and action-reaction that occurs. So, Ki can also be interpreted as 'Sense' (RASA).
Several years ago around 2002, i had discussions and sharing with a traditional sundanese martial artist that have been undertaken the level of 'Mustika Rasa'( a high grade).
We each showed several techniques that uses 'the sense' (his version) and extending Ki (mu version), so i finally take the conclusion to this is that Ki Closely related to Sense.
Perhaps 'the sense' is less in attention from many practitioner of Aikido, trapped in the glamour of the techniques, and the need to be looked spectacular, to defeat...
so the awareness sense was not trained...
Of no less importance is the Timing, this can be trained well with good sensitibity, so it seems we know what will the opponent do... seems like 'mind reader' maybe.... hehehe
So, to practice extend Ki, we can use the unbendable arm method, and also the method to train Keep one point(center) plus the zagi waza kokyu ho. Do not forget to sense the phenomenas that occur on and also in ourselves and around us...
Allahumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD..!
O Allah , I have told it, then be my Witness..!
hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab,
Relax, relax.... we seem understand the meaning of the word, but in fact many people just 'seemed' relaxed/relaxing but is not 'really' relaxed. How this..?
I often be bothered with questions concerning the relaxing of my students, according to mine relax is just relax....
It is very understandable if the questions appears, because in Aikido training, we MUST RELAX..!! both, individuals and the atmosphere of the training...
I wonder that there are practitioners of Aikido still practice with grunt, and rage in hearts and cranky because their partners do not relax... ( I still also.... hehehehe...)
or when there is a student or partner who has 'a little strange in behaviour', we become so irritated or so... Arrogant and imperious also can affect the value of relax....
This is one aspect that would be achieved from practicing Aikido,
Exercising patience and relax while the problem appears...
When a technique would be done, Shite/Nage and Uke are still 'relax', when in Kamae Position they are still relax... but when the attack came....? tadaaaa...! the relax was lost!!
to be changed as a fighter, hungry to kill... wish to throw and lock and defeat their partner...
Moreover, if the attack is a grip or grab, both one hand or two hands (ryote tori, morote tori).
The hands that attacked difficult to move even with the help of 'fully muscle power', sometimes still difficult to apply the technique...
In fact, if we can Keep 'one point' and Keep 'weight underside', the relax condition that we expected will occur.
We often trapped by the term of relax which meant 'weak', okay, that's relax too, but in the same time we often not keeping the center (one point) and not keeping weight underside so when the attack came, the relax condition is gone...
To help understand the condition of relaxing, we can train the 'Unbendable arm'.
Just lift the arm to the front or slightly diagonally to the side with a relaxed, not tense the muscle. Ask a friend to help bend our arm, elbow...
When a friend try to bend our arm so we don't think about the arm or the friend, think only one point, or when we still can not think one point, just think about the pleasant thing...
Or we can use the position we practiced on the topic 'Keep one Point'.
On the one hand and the position of one leg lifted (with a relaxed, of course) ask a friend to lower our arms, but do not shocking...
Our thoughts remain on one point..
If you have been trained to exercise both of them, then always keep such condition in each movement / Aikido techniques and in daily life.
Do not forget, the sincere smile can also be very helpful.
So, we do not need to be bothered with the definition of relaxing, as relaxing is just relaxing...., not looks like relaxed, as well as the condition of walking, calm not 'seem' calm..
Muscle is an indicator, but the role is the Mind. Put your mind (or thoughts) at One Point and relax will be achieved.
Practice with diligence and care....
Allohumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD..!
O Allah, I have told it, then be my witness..!
Hopefully useful...
Allahu'alam bishshowab...
I often be bothered with questions concerning the relaxing of my students, according to mine relax is just relax....
It is very understandable if the questions appears, because in Aikido training, we MUST RELAX..!! both, individuals and the atmosphere of the training...
I wonder that there are practitioners of Aikido still practice with grunt, and rage in hearts and cranky because their partners do not relax... ( I still also.... hehehehe...)
or when there is a student or partner who has 'a little strange in behaviour', we become so irritated or so... Arrogant and imperious also can affect the value of relax....
This is one aspect that would be achieved from practicing Aikido,
Exercising patience and relax while the problem appears...
When a technique would be done, Shite/Nage and Uke are still 'relax', when in Kamae Position they are still relax... but when the attack came....? tadaaaa...! the relax was lost!!
to be changed as a fighter, hungry to kill... wish to throw and lock and defeat their partner...
Moreover, if the attack is a grip or grab, both one hand or two hands (ryote tori, morote tori).
The hands that attacked difficult to move even with the help of 'fully muscle power', sometimes still difficult to apply the technique...
In fact, if we can Keep 'one point' and Keep 'weight underside', the relax condition that we expected will occur.
We often trapped by the term of relax which meant 'weak', okay, that's relax too, but in the same time we often not keeping the center (one point) and not keeping weight underside so when the attack came, the relax condition is gone...
To help understand the condition of relaxing, we can train the 'Unbendable arm'.
Just lift the arm to the front or slightly diagonally to the side with a relaxed, not tense the muscle. Ask a friend to help bend our arm, elbow...
When a friend try to bend our arm so we don't think about the arm or the friend, think only one point, or when we still can not think one point, just think about the pleasant thing...
Or we can use the position we practiced on the topic 'Keep one Point'.
On the one hand and the position of one leg lifted (with a relaxed, of course) ask a friend to lower our arms, but do not shocking...
Our thoughts remain on one point..
If you have been trained to exercise both of them, then always keep such condition in each movement / Aikido techniques and in daily life.
Do not forget, the sincere smile can also be very helpful.
So, we do not need to be bothered with the definition of relaxing, as relaxing is just relaxing...., not looks like relaxed, as well as the condition of walking, calm not 'seem' calm..
Muscle is an indicator, but the role is the Mind. Put your mind (or thoughts) at One Point and relax will be achieved.
Practice with diligence and care....
Allohumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD..!
O Allah, I have told it, then be my witness..!
Hopefully useful...
Allahu'alam bishshowab...
Keep weight Underside, meant placing the entire body weight on the bottom, meaning the feet, so the foot of the focus areas is the 'balls' which close to the finger toe.
So, it will look like 'tiptoe' but did not tiptoe. All the foot remains in contact with the floor or ground.
By this way, foot movement to go forward, backward, will be lighter and faster, gliding, of course after properly trained. But do not forget the principle of "Keep one Point", which has been described earlier.
We can train it by Tenkan and Ibodashi also in 'ashi-sabaki' (footwork).
In Training with Tenkan, we do tenkan continuously so that we as a whirling.
Initially will feel dizzy. If the head feels dizzy, this indicates we forgot the 'Center' or 'One Point" and also we do not breath regularly/ properly. So, if felt dizzy, immediately set breath and return our center.
In addition, when moving, Kamae position must be stable, not 'up-and-down', assuming that above our head is concrete-roof.
At least, this exercise tenkan around 30 counts, and then increased to 50 count and so on.
With this practice as expected, we can know more about one-Point/center and put weight on the balls of the feet, and maintain the balance of the body.
Allohumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD..!
O Allah, I have told it, the be my Witness..!
hopefully useful,
Allohu'alam bishshowab,
So, it will look like 'tiptoe' but did not tiptoe. All the foot remains in contact with the floor or ground.
By this way, foot movement to go forward, backward, will be lighter and faster, gliding, of course after properly trained. But do not forget the principle of "Keep one Point", which has been described earlier.
We can train it by Tenkan and Ibodashi also in 'ashi-sabaki' (footwork).
In Training with Tenkan, we do tenkan continuously so that we as a whirling.
Initially will feel dizzy. If the head feels dizzy, this indicates we forgot the 'Center' or 'One Point" and also we do not breath regularly/ properly. So, if felt dizzy, immediately set breath and return our center.
In addition, when moving, Kamae position must be stable, not 'up-and-down', assuming that above our head is concrete-roof.
At least, this exercise tenkan around 30 counts, and then increased to 50 count and so on.
With this practice as expected, we can know more about one-Point/center and put weight on the balls of the feet, and maintain the balance of the body.
Allohumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD..!
O Allah, I have told it, the be my Witness..!
hopefully useful,
Allohu'alam bishshowab,
One of the 4 Principles of Aikido is 'Keep one Point".
Freely translated means 'focus' or 'center'.
Center point of Aikidoka (perhaps also the people) is in 'hara or tantien or seika no itten', a point which is located about 2 inch below the navel, in physics called 'center of gravity' or 'centarl point of the mass of the human'. It does not own physical shape.
To learn to recognize that point, we can start by remembering when we really-really want to urinate. That's is the area and just drawn forth near to spine.
For women there are thins more easily, if remember the point of pain in lower stomach during menstruation, then the point is around there.
Another way to recognize 'One Point' is as follows:
1. Standing with the relaxed body, legs opened as wide as shoulder.
2. Lift one hand (right for example) to as high as shoulder, so the hand about 90 degrees to the body.
3. When lifting the hand, concentrate to the area around below the navel, feels what happens.
4. Hand still in position, then lift one leg (with the same hand up), feels what happens around below the navel
5. Silent a moment, about 2-3 seconds, the concentration is still around below the navel.
6. Lower hand and feet simultaneously with the normal speed, not too slow or toofast.
When the 'sense' could have felt, then we can train to lift and lower it slower or faster, and practice to maintain the 'one-point'.
Usually something will be felt around the stomach caused by changes in the location of the center point of gravity of the body.
Once you recognize the point, 'familiarize' the point by always make it as the center of every movements and activities everyday, from walking, sitting, standing, running, lifting the scoop, closing the door, etc. Then more trained in the techniques of Aikido.
Always Be patient and persistent...
Allohumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD..!
O Allah, I have told it, then be my WITNESS..!
hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab...
Freely translated means 'focus' or 'center'.
Center point of Aikidoka (perhaps also the people) is in 'hara or tantien or seika no itten', a point which is located about 2 inch below the navel, in physics called 'center of gravity' or 'centarl point of the mass of the human'. It does not own physical shape.
To learn to recognize that point, we can start by remembering when we really-really want to urinate. That's is the area and just drawn forth near to spine.
For women there are thins more easily, if remember the point of pain in lower stomach during menstruation, then the point is around there.
Another way to recognize 'One Point' is as follows:
1. Standing with the relaxed body, legs opened as wide as shoulder.
2. Lift one hand (right for example) to as high as shoulder, so the hand about 90 degrees to the body.
3. When lifting the hand, concentrate to the area around below the navel, feels what happens.
4. Hand still in position, then lift one leg (with the same hand up), feels what happens around below the navel
5. Silent a moment, about 2-3 seconds, the concentration is still around below the navel.
6. Lower hand and feet simultaneously with the normal speed, not too slow or toofast.
When the 'sense' could have felt, then we can train to lift and lower it slower or faster, and practice to maintain the 'one-point'.
Usually something will be felt around the stomach caused by changes in the location of the center point of gravity of the body.
Once you recognize the point, 'familiarize' the point by always make it as the center of every movements and activities everyday, from walking, sitting, standing, running, lifting the scoop, closing the door, etc. Then more trained in the techniques of Aikido.
Always Be patient and persistent...
Allohumma 'qod balaghtu, FASHAD..!
O Allah, I have told it, then be my WITNESS..!
hopefully useful,
Allahu'alam bishshowab...
Aikido Using Opponent's Force Momentum...?
The statement 'seems' easy to understand, but often in practice many questions arise from the practitioners, especially the beginner...
When the uke attacks/overflowing with swift (as there running or even jumping) this maybe relatively easy t anticipate. Moerover, if only 1 person.
How about the case when opponents slowly get closer and launched attacks very quickly, or hold (Grab) with a strong and static power? with a larger and taller and powerful grip (hold) with strong and big hands? when nage is not possible to do atemi? or even when we must not hurt the uke..?
When the uke attacks/overflowing with swift (as there running or even jumping) this maybe relatively easy t anticipate. Moerover, if only 1 person.
How about the case when opponents slowly get closer and launched attacks very quickly, or hold (Grab) with a strong and static power? with a larger and taller and powerful grip (hold) with strong and big hands? when nage is not possible to do atemi? or even when we must not hurt the uke..?
Aikido, My Point of View...
Aikido is a Japanese Martial Art, founded by O'sensei Morihei Ueshiba. He learned ancient Jujutso from Sokaku Takeda. Sokaku's techniques is fierce and devastating. After met his Spiritual Teacher, Morihei changed his techniques and become Aikido.
Aikido as martial art based it's techniques on Harmony with the universal. The Spirit of Love is needed in apllying techniques of Aikido. (Martial Art with Love spirit.... :))
Based on Book : Ki in Daily Life, written by Kochi Tohei, there are 4(four) basic principles of Aikido:
1. Keep One Point
2. Completely Relax
3. Keep Weight underside
4. Extend Ki
In practice, many practitioners of Aikido have not yet understand about these four principles.
Many of them still use their muscle power to aplly Aikido techniques rather than try to blend with opponents.
Is it hard to learn Aikido....?
Being sceptical maybe can help in learning Aikido.....
I hope it useful.....
Allahu'alam Bishshowab...
Aikido as martial art based it's techniques on Harmony with the universal. The Spirit of Love is needed in apllying techniques of Aikido. (Martial Art with Love spirit.... :))
Based on Book : Ki in Daily Life, written by Kochi Tohei, there are 4(four) basic principles of Aikido:
1. Keep One Point
2. Completely Relax
3. Keep Weight underside
4. Extend Ki
In practice, many practitioners of Aikido have not yet understand about these four principles.
Many of them still use their muscle power to aplly Aikido techniques rather than try to blend with opponents.
Is it hard to learn Aikido....?
Being sceptical maybe can help in learning Aikido.....
I hope it useful.....
Allahu'alam Bishshowab...
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Sceptic Aikido
I just want to share my experiences being sceptical in Aikido Training.
I hope it can help in understanding Aikido training.
I still in progress translating my articles and writings, so please be patient... :)
You are welcome to make comments and share in this blog.
I have another Blog in Indonesian Language, So you can visit it as free as you want.
Peace and Love,
I hope it can help in understanding Aikido training.
I still in progress translating my articles and writings, so please be patient... :)
You are welcome to make comments and share in this blog.
I have another Blog in Indonesian Language, So you can visit it as free as you want.
Peace and Love,
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